Microsoft Magical Mystery Tour PART 8–Back to the start again…

This series of posts is all about my magical, mystery tour of Microsoft Headquaters in Redmond, Washington state, USA. You can follow the feed of what happens over the next week by using the official #msftpil or the unofficial #chickengates.

I have been extremely fortunate to be selected to attend Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Institute where 50 top educators from all over the world will attend a weeks training with Microsoft and have the opportunity to share good practice and develop future collaborative projects.

So it is day 2 for the global teachers here at #msftpil but over the next few days innovative teachers from all over America will come to Seattle to share their fantastic practice. I have been fortunate to spend time with two fantastic US based teachers who have been here with us Vincent & Robyn – I am going to blog about their work and projects soon.

However as so many new people arrive, it already happened last night, people keep asking why are you here? How did you get here? So to answer your question just watch this:

Yes extremely embarrassing!

or a more serious video on why I am connected to chicken check this out:

Why I am called ‘The Chicken’

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