New beginnings create new endings

New beginnings, new Art work. Two Year 8 students created this magnificent piece of artwork over several lunchtimes last year. I was pleased to choose this for my office as it demonstrates not only artistic ability but also their commitment to collaboration and working together.

New beginnings, new Art work. Two Year 8 students created this magnificent piece of artwork over several lunchtimes last year. I was pleased to choose this for my office as it demonstrates not only artistic ability but also their commitment to collaboration and working together.

This week I have been following up with students on the top tips for a good start to the year which I communicated in our whole school assembly, how they can make it count in the first few weeks of a new academic year. Is it any different for a new member of staff or someone who is new in their role? Are you starting at a new school this year? Are you embarking on a new range of responsibilities?

A great book I can recommend is by Michael Watkins about making sure your 1st 90 days are successful titled ‘The First 90 Days: Critical Success Strategies for New Leaders at All Levels’

This explores the strategies needed that will really make your time count and contribute to future success. Along these lines I shared these tips with students, I am sure many of them would apply to students in your own school or even you as a Teacher.

1. New beginnings

2. Respect for all

3. Avoid the DRIP (Data rich information poor)

4. Healthy habits

5. Contribute to the community

New beginnings

It can be a fresh start.

Leave any negativity behind you.

Be open to new ideas and new relationships. It starts today!


Respect for all

Treat everyone equally, with dignity and respect.

Have empathy and humility.

Look after each other.


Avoid the DRIP (Data rich information poor)

Get organised and be ready.

Books, correct equipment, look smart (uniform), set up Google Calendar, Classcharts and Homeworky.


Healthy habits

Study hard in lessons and homework.

Get active – sport and exercise.

Read often.

Balance multi screens & multi-tasking (switch off notifications), Connect with the present!


Contribute to the community

Don’t be a passenger.

Attend extra-curricular activities.

Take on positions of responsibility.

Have courage to take risks and to do things differently.

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