Walldisplay–The Digital Classroom Display

I discovered this the other day and started to look into more about it and have been impressed with what I have seen. It is basically a website where you can share students work in a digital display as part of praising and giving students credit for great pieces of work.


Please visit the site to sign up and start using it:


I have taken the following from their website:

Who are they?

Wall Display was founded by Jo and Josh, two twenty-somethings from London.

Jo is a Teach First Ambassador and Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts. He taught Psychology and Sociology A level, Religious Studies and Citizenship.

Josh is a self-taught digital designer; passionate about web design and user experience. Despite working full-time he made Wall Display one of his ongoing side projects.

Wall Display would not have been possible without the help of some very talented friends. The missing pieces of the puzzle were provided by James (coding), Toby (motif design), Sean (animation) and Josh GB (legal).

Why are they doing it?

Students produce amazing school work all the time and sometimes letter grades or postcards home simply don’t cut it. We made Wall Display to let teachers recognise effort and to make it easier for parents to see great work being created at school. Plus, teachers from all over the world can give feedback It’s really hard for teachers to reward.

I think this is a great idea and concept and look forward to seeing how it develops. Please register and also follow them on twitter @walldisplayorg


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