As I discussed in this recent blog post We will have our first ever Plymouth InspirED Conference #PlymouthInspirED in October and we are incredibly lucky to have two internationally renowned keynote speakers Graham Brown-Martin @grahamBM and Ross Morrison Mcgill @Teachertoolkit speaking.
This blog post gives an insight into what our colleagues will potentially experience by Ross’s keynote.
I first connected with Ross back in 2010 through Twitter, at that time there weren’t so many teachers on Twitter discussing education and sharing resources, but just look how things have changed. We have kept in touch ever since and have occasionally met up over the years (one particular occasion was in 2014 when we had the ‘pleasure’ to meet with Michael Gove, a couple of days before he was axed as Education Secretary, along with Boris Johnson, I believe there are photos of this encounter on Ross’s blog).
So, over the last ten years I have tried my best to keep up with what Ross is actually doing but to be perfectly honest it has been impossible, he has achieved and has been involved in so many important developments in Teaching and Education. It is no surprise to me that he is now busy travelling the world supporting and working with teachers everywhere, holding politicians to account for their interference in the education system, writing yet more and more fantastic books, running the Teachertoolkit blog – sharing to over £10million people worldwide and yes as if that wasn’t enough has started on his journey to complete a Doctorate!
If you want the full life story then please read here:
Shorter version
We are incredibly excited that Ross is our 2nd Keynote at InspirED and we are really looking forward to hearing particularly about his latest developments including the recently announced research completed on the verbal feedback. In preparation for his talk you may find the following links of interest:
There is so much to read out there, so much on his blog
Further reading taken from his website:
- Verbal Feedback Project– seven English schools trial no written marking (2 mins)
- Curriculum Questions– Intent, Implementation and Impact (3 mins)
- 25 Years of Educational Fads(9 mins)
- 17 Principles of Effective Instruction(5 mins)
- The Flow Modelby Csikszentmihalyi (2 mins)
- 6 Teaching Ideas to Bin in 2019(5 mins)
- The Differentiation Bubble– shifting perceptions associated with differentiation. (7 mins)
- How we can reform our examination system? The End of Average. (3 mins)