“Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death.”
Albert Einstein
It is really important for me at the start of a new academic year to spend some time exploring what I will be experimenting with in my classroom at least over the 1st term. As the lead learner in my classroom I need to lead by example to try to ‘get better’ and to develop my practice. I have been playing with the following 6 tools which I will be looking to embed to improve collaboration, to raise the expectation on completing extension work to challenge students and to improve the effectiveness of feedback.
You can read more about each ‘tool’ by visiting the websites and please check back over the next couple of months where I will be writing in detail about the impact they are making whether it is positive or negative.
Kaizena – https://kaizena.com
Spreaker http://www.spreaker.com
Google Sites – https://sites.google.com
Vine – https://vine.co
Office Mix – https://mix.office.com
TED Ed – http://ed.ted.com
What will you be experimenting with this year?