Microsoft Magical Mystery Tour PART 13–What does ‘good’ CPD look like?

This series of posts is all about my magical, mystery tour of Microsoft Headquarters in Redmond, Washington state, USA. You can follow the feed of what happens over the next week by using the official #msftpil or the unofficial #chickengates.

I have been extremely fortunate to be selected to attend Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Institute where 50 top educators from all over the world will attend a weeks training with Microsoft and have the opportunity to share good practice and develop future collaborative projects.

cork board

On Tuesday we spent some time as a group of 50 teachers from 31 different countries to talk this through.

Here is a great blog post that sums up the session which I think I will just refer to instead of writing my own. (Yes I am so lazy, it is because I don’t think I could write it better!)

Please check out Kylie AKA @Ky_maree who is an amazing teacher from Australia, make sure you follow her on twitter. She explains the what a ‘good’ CPD session looks like and what the challenges are?—microsoft-hq.html

Another thing I learnt from the session was yet another brilliant web 2.0 tool called corkboard which is very like Wallwisher  & Stixy

Here are our corkboards from the sessions:

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