Microsoft Magical Mystery Tour PART 4 –Global TeachMeet Takeover at Microsoft HQ

This series of posts is all about my magical, mystery tour of Microsoft Headquaters in Redmond, Washington state, USA. You can follow the feed of what happens over the next week by using the official #msftpil or the unofficial #chickengates.

I have been extremely fortunate to be selected to attend Microsoft’s Partners in Learning Institute where 50 top educators from all over the world will attend a weeks training with Microsoft and have the opportunity to share good practice and develop future collaborative projects.

The fourth and final post before I actually even get there is about the fantastic Teachmeet event that is happening next week – all 50 global teachers at the institute will be doing Teachmeet style presentations to a huge audience of teachers from the US on the Microsoft campus. I will be tweeting from the event and will also do some posts about this when it happens.

Thank you to Brainpop who have created the special Teachmeet video – just look who has sent them a letter to find out what a Teachmeet actually is.

Teachmeet goes global

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