Extra extra read all about it… Microsoft buys Skype


So I guess you have probably heard now but for a bargain £5-8billion Microsoft have bought out Skype. It depends on what news article you read or watch but the exact amount doesn’t seem to be out there yet.

Read about it here: http://bit.ly/jyrrjd

I love Skype and I love Microsoft products, both have had over the years helped to improve the quality of the learning in my classroom not just for the kids but for the teachers I work with too (including myself, see me in the picture ‘skyping’ into a good friend of mine Lois a teacher from Canada)

Have a look at this blog post of mine about Skype in 2009: http://bit.ly/6hIZx7

So what does this actually mean? What are your thoughts on this? Is this a good thing or a bad thing? Why have Microsoft bought it when they have a similar tool in live messanger? Do you think they will begin charging for using Skype?

My initial feeling is that we probably won’t notice much of a change and teachers can continue to use it for personal and educational use. What do you think?

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